Did you know that a chocolate-frosted doughnut weighing 100 grams has around 452 calories? If you are on the way to a sugar-free world that will help you create a calorie deficit, then here’s a factor that must be under consideration.
Even if you are using brown sugar, which is a better option than white sugar, there is still something for you to improve on. There are endless options when it comes to substitutes for brown sugar. For this reason, we will be telling you about the 20 best substitutes for brown sugar along with their benefits on health.
What is Brown Sugar?
Brown sugar has a distinctive brown color due to the molasses present in it. It contains up to 10% molasses. The sugar crystals have a lesser degree of granulation than white sugar.
Brown sugar is hygroscopic in nature, which means it generally stays moist and has the capacity to retain moisture.
We can manufacture this sucrose sugar product by adding refined crystals of white sugar to molasses from sugarcane. This takes care of the ratio between molasses and sugar crystals.
Brown sugar caramelizes at a faster rate than white sugar; thus, it can readily be used for making glazes while you are baking. Moreover, in many recipes, you can swap brown sugar for maple syrup and vice versa as per your convenience.
Hardened brown sugar can be made soft again. All you have to do is add in another source of moisture for the molasses.
You can also help yourself by remelting or heating the molasses. However, to prevent the hardening of brown sugar, there is a precautionary measure you can take. Store your brown sugar inside a freezer.
This prevents moisture from leaving the sugar. In this way, the brown sugar does not harden and ends up having a longer shelf life.
Why You Should Replace Brown Sugar with Other Substitutes
100 grams of brown sugar contains 377 calories. However, 100 grams of white sugar contains 387. Brown sugar works to soothe menstrual cramps as well as for having a potent anti-aging effect.
However, there is no nutritional research which can prove that brown sugar offers you a healthier alternative than white sugar.
Since there is no major calorie deficit between the two, therefore, it is best for you to incorporate other replacements for brown sugar in your diet plan. This will aid in creating a significant effect on your body’s growth and repair mechanisms.
If we talk about the minerals in brown sugar, then they are in trace amounts. Minute amounts of minerals further add to having no additional benefits to your diet.
We normally refer to brown sugar as sugar that has not been refined fully. Thus it won’t be wrong to say that the bridge between white and brown sugar is nothing but merely a man-made illusion.
Sugars play a vital role if we take into account visceral obesity. Consuming sugar and sugary foods in the form of desserts or baked goods is not considered healthy. The compounds in sugar cause accumulation of belly fat which is deemed detrimental to your health.
Now you might be thinking that neither brown sugar nor white sugar offers a healthy lifestyle. And yes, this is absolutely true.
So is there really something which can add sweetness to your life while also eliminating the extra pounds from your body? Here is a little secret, there are a variety of substitutes for brown sugar available in the stores which you can use.
1. Finger-Lickin’ Honey
Honey is a very popular natural sweetener that has been in use for centuries.
The oldest recipes reveal honey as an important ingredient and sometimes the sole sweetening ingredient. Just a simple fact like this is self-explanatory on why this is the first substitute on my list.
There are many types of honey available. You can pick one of your choices depending on the viscosity and the degree of sweetness you like.
When it comes to pure and raw honey, the first choice for most people is sourwood honey. If you are looking for the sweetest honey, then Acacia is a star choice of many.
Using honey while baking or cooking needs extra attention. Honey is a liquid that decreases in viscosity when heated.
This means that if you add honey to your ingredient list, you have to take care of the liquid content. Decrease milk or water by 1/5th in the recipe as given. This will help in attaining the right amount of consistency for your meal.
Health Benefits
• Provides with various forms of Vitamin B such as niacin, riboflavin, B6
• A potent source of calcium for the strengthening of bones
• Potassium and iron increase cardiovascular health
• It can be used for fading acne scars
• It should be used for treating sore throat
• Can be applied to burns and wounds to speed healing
For Whom Honey is good For
Honey is a suitable option for many people that are at risk of heart stroke.
It improves your heart’s health by decreasing LDL (low-density lipoproteins) ‘bad’ cholesterol levels. While simultaneously increasing HDL (high-density lipoproteins) ‘good’ cholesterol levels.
Another important point that makes honey beneficial for your health is that it lowers triglycerides along with a massive amount of antioxidants. These play a role in regulating dietary levels of cholesterol.
Moreover, you will find that eating honey encourages the growth of healthy bacteria within your digestive tracts. It can also heal infections owing to its antibacterial properties.
Why Honey is Bad for Health
• Increases blood sugar levels
• May lead to clotting of arteries if taken in excess
• High-calorie content can increase weight if taken more than required
For Whom Honey is bad for
Honey is not a very good option to take on a daily basis if you suffer from chronic diseases. Chronic disease is best described as a medical condition that you suffer from for a long time.
Diabetic patients cannot take honey as a substitute for brown sugar on a daily basis. It causes spikes in sugar levels to occur, which is harmful to their bodies.
If you have a history of cardiovascular disorders, then you should limit the use of honey as well. Increased quantities of honey lead to a greater calorie count which will cause your fat content to increase
Also Read About: What is Demerara Sugar? 7 Demerara Sugar Substitutes in 2022
2. Pancake Drippin’ Maple Syrup
Maple syrup has a higher sugar content than brown sugar. Even if you use a little amount of syrup, it adds a great amount of sweetness.
Many people make use of maple syrup as a topping. It can accompany your breakfast meals consisting of waffles and pancakes.
You can pair maple syrup with either molasses or barley malt syrup. This works to enhance the taste and create a rich burst of flavors in your meal.
Earlier in the season, the maple syrup tends to be lighter in color and mild in flavor. As the season progresses, the syrup becomes darker in color and stronger in flavor nearing the end.
If you do not like maple syrup, you can always go for these best maple syrup substitutes.
Health Benefits
• High amounts of zinc which boost your immune system
• Manganese helps in the production of energy
• A great source of calcium
• Contains up to 54 oxidants
• Loaded with omega-6 fatty acids
For Whom Maple Syrup is good for
Maple syrup has a great number of antioxidants that have antibacterial and anti-cancer qualities. Those people who are battling cancer or have a genetic predisposition of developing a certain type of cancer can consume this brown sugar substitute.
Due to its low glycemic index, maple syrup is a decent choice for patients of type 2 diabetes. It is also a good dietary option for vegans.
Why Maple Syrup is Bad for Health
• Elevates sugar levels
• Should not be consumed in excess due to the sugar content
• Causes complications in obesity
For Whom Maple Syrup is bad for
You should not consume maple syrup in large quantities if you are battling any sort of disease. It does not benefit health since the amount of sugars is too high.
3. Raw Cane Sugar
The name gives away most of the description for this type of sugar. Made out of sugar cane, this sugar is another natural sweetener that you can make use of as a substitute for brown sugar.
Since it does not undergo complete refinery methods, it retains minerals and nutrients. It is loaded with beneficial dietary components. This makes it much healthier than refined sugar.
Health Benefits
• Low in cholesterol which decreases the risk of stroke
• Sodium levels are low which also adds to decreased hypertension
• Low glycemic index
For Whom Cane Sugar is good for
Raw cane sugar is good for people looking for a suitable option to replace brown sugar as an ingredient. It works best if you are on a diet but still want to have something sweet to satisfy your cravings.
Why Cane Sugar is bad for health
• Increases blood glucose levels
• Might cause obesity if taken in excess
• Can lead to a build-up of fatty tissue around the heart if your health is compromised
For Whom Cane Sugar is bad for
Cane sugar is bad for people that have a compromised metabolism. This means that if you have a weak GIT and weak liver, then, taking cane sugar in excess can be bad for you.
However, the effects are not very adverse. But if you have a history of pre-diabetes, then it’s best for you to avoid this. It does contain molasses, but even then there is no such nutritional value that raw cane sugar has to offer to its consumers.
4. Barley Malt Syrup
This natural sweetener is made from barley. Barley malt forms a thick and rich syrup which gives a brown color.
If you do not wish to use it in syrup form, then there is also an option to use a granulated form. It makes for a very yummy switch from brown sugar.
It is made mainly out of maltose, which is a form of sugar. While making use of barley malt, make sure that you store it away in the refrigerator. Failure to do this will cause your syrup to ferment.
Health Benefits
• Relieves digestive tract problems
• Helps in regulating menstrual cycles
• Can be used for preventing acne
• Helps to control diabetes
For Whom Barley Malt is good for
Barley malt is good for anyone who wants to get rid of any problems regarding your digestive system. It helps you to have a better movement of food through your tract by aiding in gut movement.
Women who have irregular periods can add this brown sugar substitute to their diets as well. Also, it helps in getting rid of treating acne and other skin problems.
Why Barley Malt is Bad for Health
• Absorbed slowly so it may cause
• Can cause spikes in blood sugar levels with an unsteady intake
• Can also contribute to weight gain if taken in excess
For Whom Barley Malt is bad for
People who show signs of gluten intolerance should avoid using this sweetener. It has extracts from barley which can cause problems.
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, higher than the required amount of barley malt syrup can also create a mess for the consumer.
5. Muscovado Sugar
This makes up for a great substitute option because just like brown sugar, it has a large portion of molasses. It is refined minimally; therefore, it accounts for a healthier option.
It is partially refined and has a dark brown color. Due to its rich flavor, you can replace it for brown sugar for practically any recipe. But just make sure that you sift it in order to get rid of the lumps.
What makes it different from brown sugar is the fraction of moisture and molasses. Muscovado Sugar contains a higher percentage of moisture and molasses as compared to brown sugar. This makes the sugar stickier, which increases the tendency for clumping together.
Health Benefits
• Rich source of calcium for strengthening your bones
• It aids in various reactions of the body to occur normally because it’s rich in minerals
• Lesser calories than white sugar
• Improves pulmonary health
For Whom Muscovado Sugar is good for
It’s best for people that want to add a component of sugar to their diet while also maintaining good health. This type of sugar serves to purify your blood as it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine. This branch of medicine deals with treating diseases by herbs and natural edibles.
It also aids in good bone development. This brown sugar substitute is also known to help people that have breathing issues stemming from problematic lungs.
Why Muscovado Sugar is Bad for Health
• It might link to poor heart health if taken excessively
• High levels of sugar in the blood puts you at a higher risk of developing diabetes
• Not recommended for people on a strict weight control regime
For Whom Muscovado Sugar is bad for
This substitute for brown sugar is a bad idea for people who want to lose weight strictly. It has anti-oxidants that might help your cause, but if taken in excessive amounts, then it might harm your health.
6. Diabetes-Friendly Blackstrap Molasses
A byproduct obtained from sugar cane’s refining process, blackstrap molasses is another substitute for brown sugar on our list. This sugar is a dark and highly viscous liquid.
The best part about this sugar is that it has the lowest amount of sugar out of any sugar cane product available.
The nutritional value of this product can be estimated by the fact that if taken in the right amount, it can fulfill 40% of your daily recommended iron intake. In addition to this, it also provides you with 20% of your calcium intake.
Health Benefits
• It has Iron which purifies the blood
• It has Calcium which will strengthen your bones
• Loaded with vitamin B6 and Selenium
• Contains copper that help in getting rid of cancer-causing chemicals
For Whom Blackstrap Molasses is good for
Blackstrap molasses is one of the topmost options of diabetic people. Anyone who has wildly fluctuating levels of blood sugar can consume this type of sugar. It helps in regulating your blood sugar levels.
This type of sugar also helps people with anemia. If you have lower levels of iron, then you even add blackstrap molasses to hot water or milk and drink it.
Want to get rid of frizziness in your hair? You must try blackstrap molasses. It might sound strange, but it does work. Obviously, you do not have to pour this thick syrup over your hair. Just mix it with warm water or oil and apply it to the shafts of your hair.
Why Blackstrap Molasses is Bad for Health
• Check intake for the diabetic patient since the glycemic index is 55
• May cause problems indigestion
• Additional amounts in meals might put the person at risk of developing cardiovascular problems
For Whom Blackstrap Molasses is bad for
Not a lot of people have an issue digesting fruit sugars. But if you have a problem with fructose digestion, which is the fruit sugar present in blackstrap molasses, then you might want to be careful.
7. All-Natural Agave Nectar
With a glycemic index of just 25, agave nectar beats most sources of sugar by a mile. It is a natural sweetener obtained from the Agave plant.
The sugary flavor in agave nectar is way more than brown sugar. This means that you can consume a smaller amount of agave nectar for the same flavor as compared with other sugars.
Health Benefits
• Low glycemic index
• Makes you feel fuller for a long time
• Helps you to maintain your weight
For Whom is Agave Nectar good for
If you are on a strict diet, then agave nectar is a good choice to add to your meal. It is a healthy option since it comes from a plant.
It is good for people who want to consume sugar without creating spikes in their blood glucose levels. Due to its low GI, you will have a much more regulated chart of glucose measurement that will save you from developing diabetes.
Why Agave Nectar is bad for health
• Harmful for liver functioning
• High fructose content dangerous for diabetic patients
• May put consumers at risk of metabolic syndrome
• Causes insulin levels to rise
For Whom Agave Nectar is bad for
It has a 90% fructose content. Fructose is healthy for your body since it is natural fruit sugar. But when it undergoes a number of refining processes, it loses most of its nutrients. Therefore, people who want to keep their glucose levels normal should not consume more than the required amounts.
This substitute for brown sugar is also not recommended for people who suffer from insulin resistance.
8. Brown Rice Syrup
This syrup comes from whole grain rice. It has a good amount of nutrients that are beneficial for your health since brown rice syrup is treated with enzymes.
However, do not let the name trick you because once you consume brown rice syrup, it is fully glucose entering into your body. Brown rice syrup acts as a natural sweetener, but it has three different types of sugars that turn into glucose after entering your body.
This syrup has a glycemic index of 98. The value is higher than a lot of sweeteners in the market.
Health Benefits
• It has calcium which boosts bone health
• It also has a good amount of potassium
• Few other nutrients in trace amounts also prove to be beneficial
• No fructose
For Whom Brown Rice Syrup is good for
This brown sugar substitute is great for people who are looking to add some glucose boosting replacement to their meals. Glucose can be broken down in any part of the body along with the liver. Therefore, a meal loaded with glucose doesn’t cause much harm to the liver.
Why Brown Rice Syrup is bad for health
• High-calorie count
• Might cause high blood sugar levels in diabetic patients
• Can lead to metabolic syndrome if consumed in excess
• Traces of arsenic found
For Whom Brown Rice Syrup is bad for
It causes your blood sugar levels to spike. Therefore, people who have insulin resistance cannot preferably make use of this syrup. It enters the bloodstream really fast; therefore, it can create complications for diabetic patients.
9. Sweet Stevia
Another sweetener obtained from a plant on our list is Stevia. It is in powder form when used. It is also a nonnutritive sweetener, which means that it has zero calories.
Stevia is almost 30 times sweeter in taste than sugar. Due to this, the amount required to add it to your meal for giving a rich flavor is really less.
Health Benefits
• It can control blood pressure
• It can manage your cholesterol levels
• It can regulate blood sugar levels
• It can lower your insulin levels
• It can help you to reduce weight
For Whom Stevia is good for
Stevia is a good choice for people who are following a strict diet plan since it helps to lose weight. It can also be used by people who have insulin resistance.
Since it creates a balanced ratio of good and bad cholesterol, therefore it helps in increasing your cardiovascular health.
Why Stevia is bad for health
• May harm your kidneys
• Can cause harm to your reproductive health
• May cause abnormal drops in blood sugar levels
For Whom Stevia is bad for
People who have pre-existing digestive problems should avoid consuming stevia. This sugar can add further complications to your bloating and diarrhea problems.
People who do not like the taste of licorice should avoid this. This is because stevia gives you that taste, along with being bitter.
10. Nutrient-Loaded Date Sugar
This natural sweetener has a relatively lower glycemic index. A low glycemic index means that it does not cause your blood sugar levels to spike at an alarming rate.
One date alone has 70% sugar on average. This means that while you are taking in a lot of nutrients at once, date sugar also keeps you feeling fuller for a longer time.
Health Benefits
• Loaded with niacin and vitamin B6
• A great source of fiber
• Contains a lot of potassium
• Minute quantities of iron
For Whom Date Sugar is good for
Dates are a great source of energy. For this reason, it is a decent sugar option for people who want to consume energy-boosting pre-workout meals.
Since it does not create huge spikes in your glucose levels, therefore it can be used by diabetic patients as well. It can be used by people that have trouble with bowel movements because it is a rich source of fiber.
Why Date Sugar is bad for health
• Excess fructose may lead to a high-calorie count
• Can cause obesity
• Leads to cardiovascular problems if consumed in excess
For Whom Date Sugar is bad for
There’s no denying that date sugar has loads of nutrients. But this comes at a cost since it also has a great number of sugars. For this reason, it should not be consumed by diabetic patients in unmonitored amounts.
People following a strict diet should also keep a check on consumption since date sugar has a very high-calorie count.
1. Sucanat
In simple words, sucanat can be best explained as a granulated form of sugar cane syrup. Sucanat houses a great variety of nutrients and minerals. This makes it a worthy choice as a brown sugar substitute.
A teaspoon of sucanat is known to have around 15 calories. But since sucanat retains its natural molasses, therefore, the nutritional goodness is not compromised.
Health Benefits
• A good source of chromium and potassium
• Vitamin A is also present in sucanat
• Niacin obtained from sucanat can aid in various bodily reactions
• Calcium helps in building bone strength
• Iron also aids in purifying the blood
For Whom Sucanat is good for
Sucanat is a star choice for anyone who is looking to obtain natural sweeteners. Since it also has a great dose of nutrients, therefore, it can help in essential functions of the body.
You can swap it for white sugar in your diet in order to reach your summer body goal. Sucanat does not have as many calories as brown sugar, either which is why it is a good option for those who want to tone their bodies.
Why Sucanat is bad for health
• Risk of cardiovascular problems
• Not suitable for diabetic patients
• May cause obesity if taken in greater amounts due to a more than optimum calorie count
For Whom Sucanat is bad for
Sucanat is not an optimal choice for people that are at risk of developing diabetes. Even though it has lesser calories than brown sugar, it still puts you at risk of developing chronic diseases.
This brown sugar substitute may also cause your heart health to deteriorate. Therefore, anyone who has a history or genetic tendency to develop such diseases should avoid using it.
12. Turbinado Sugar
Having a slight caramel flavor, Turbinado sugar is another substitute for brown sugar. It is also known as ‘raw sugar.’ This goes onto explain that while it might be a switch from your regular brown sugar, it still does not do great for many people.
Since it is partially refined, it still retains nutrients to a certain extent. For this reason, turbinado sugar is best if consumed in small amounts since the sugar is also expensive so you might want to be careful while using it.
Health Benefits
• Trace amounts of calcium and iron
• Contains molasses
• Better sweetening option than artificial sugars
For Whom Turbinado Sugar is good for
This sugar is good for people who are looking to add a little bit of taste to their meals. Along with a diverse taste, there is also an addition of texture to your desserts when you make use of turbinado sugar.
Since it is nutritionally similar to white sugar, therefore it does not do much benefit to your body. It provides your body with a limited amount of antioxidants and certain minerals.
Why Turbinado Sugar is bad for health
• High sugar content puts you at risk of developing diabetes
• Can also lead to heart disease if taken in excessive quantities
• May cause metabolic syndrome due to the high-calorie count
For Whom Turbinado Sugar is bad for
Turbinado sugar has the same amount of sugar and calories as normal white sugar. While it may be a good brown sugar substitute if used in limited amounts, but excessive usage of turbinado sugar is bad for your health.
This especially applies to people who are prone to developing diabetes or any other chronic heart disease. People who tend to gain weight faster should also avoid this sugar.
13. Coconut Palm Sugar
Coconut palm sugar is basically the sugary fluid found circulating inside the coconut plant. It contains a good amount of nutrients and minerals. Along with this, coconut palm sugar also has a fiber called inulin.
However, this sugar provides you with calories as well. It also has a high amount of fructose. The glycemic index of this sugar is 35.
The best part is that this sugar does not taste like coconut. Therefore, you can add it to your meals without having to worry about disturbing the original taste of the recipe.
Health Benefits
• Contains fiber that helps in glucose metabolism
• Zinc and potassium are present
• Iron is present for purifying the blood
• Has antioxidants which help detoxify your body
For Whom Coconut Palm Sugar is good for
This sugar has a low glycemic index. Due to this, it is a good choice for anyone who is looking to lose weight and adjust themselves to a strict diet.
Because of inulin, this sugar helps in slowing down glucose absorption. People who wish to avoid fluctuating blood glucose levels can use it for this reason.
Why is Coconut Palm Sugar Bad for health
• Loaded with fructose
• Causes visceral obesity if consumed in excess
• May lead to worsening symptoms of metabolic syndrome
For Whom Coconut Palm Sugar is bad for
This sugar is bad for anyone who starts consuming it in excess. While using this sugar, you must keep a strict check. Since it has a very high amount of fructose, therefore this sugar is not suitable for people that are at risk of developing chronic medical conditions.
14. Lo Han Kuo
Also known as Monkfruit, Lo Han Kuo is a star choice if you are looking to incorporate natural sweeteners into your diet. All you have to do is crush the fruit, add in hot water and voila! Your sweetener is ready to use.
It has a zero calorie count. Along with this, the glycemic index of this sugar substitute is also very low. This means that you can consume this sugar without creating spikes in your sugar level charts.
Health Benefits
• Manages diabetes
• A good amount of antioxidants
• Low GI
• Zero carbohydrates
For Whom Monkfruit is good for
Monkfruit is a healthy choice for people who want to make use of sugar while also overcoming the risk of developing diabetes. Since it is available in multiple forms, it is easy to use for anyone who is on the go or working.
The rich number of antioxidants in monk fruit also make this natural sweetener worth trying as it adds taste to your meals and also purifies your body.
Why is Monkfruit Bad for health
• No apparent side effects to the health of monk fruit
For Whom Monk fruit is bad for
There are no significant bad effects or precautionary measures that you might have to take while consuming monk fruit. However, monk fruit has a slightly different taste. Many people find this strange. Sometimes, it also leaves an aftertaste in your mouth, which many people do not prefer.
15. Yummy Fruit Sugar
Here is something which we all consume every day, fruits! Yes, I am definitely talking about the sugar content that you obtain from mangoes, berries, apples, pineapples, and various other fruits.
Along with having a significant amount of nutrients and minerals, the fleshy part of fruits contains fibers. There are various vitamins in fruits that prove beneficial for your health.
Health Benefits
• Improve aging
• Make your body toned
• Low GI
• Regulates blood sugar
• Rids you of several diseases
For Whom Fruit Sugar is good for
Anyone who is looking for flavor along with good dietary options needs to try out fruit sugar. You can add mashed bananas to your smoothies. Or you can even add whole berries to your oatmeal. Both these options will help you kickstart your day with exactly the right kind of glucose boost.
Why Is Fruit Sugar Bad for health
• Cannot be consumed more than 5 times a day
• Might be risky for diabetic patients if consumed in excess
• Some fruits tend to provide you with only a minimal amount of nutrients
For Whom Fruit Sugar is bad for
Fruit sugar is obviously not a very great idea for diabetic patients. They are advised to take fruit sugars in very limited quantities. For instance, you can take only a handful of berries a day. Or if you have an apple, then only half an apple is a good choice.
16. Jaggery
Commonly referred to as non-centrifugal sugar, jaggery is another option for healthy sugar replacements on our list.
The lighter and good quality of jaggery is important to pick. This means that you are adding to your body a larger percentage of sucrose and a smaller percentage of fructose.
It also has a greater amount of nutrients than brown sugar because of the molasses present in it.
Health Benefits
• Generates body heat
• Boosts your immune system
• Helps in overriding joint pain
• Eases menstrual cramps when taken with hot water
For Whom Jaggery is good for
Jaggery is good for people who are looking to add sugar content to their meals that will also help in detoxifying their bodies. Anyone who has irregular bowel movements can make use of jaggery. They help in preventing constipation.
Why is Jaggery Bad for health
• May cause weight gain
• Raises sugar levels
• Can cause allergies
For Whom Jaggery is bad for
Although it might have various advantages, jaggery, at last, is still a source of sugar. This means that if you consume it in greater amounts, then it might lead to obesity.
Many people have been reported to be allergic to jaggery. Therefore, you should avoid it if you are at risk of having allergic reactions.
17. Dark Chocolate
I should have put this as perhaps the first option, but yes, chocolate is also a great substitute. However, it is important to note that you cannot just have any chocolate for maintaining a healthy diet. It is vital to use bittersweet or dark chocolate.
Eating dark chocolate or just adding it to your recipes helps you to lose weight. It is loaded with antioxidants and minimal amounts of sugar.
Health Benefits
• Improves blood flow
• Regulates cholesterol levels
• Lowers your blood pressure
• Known to enhance brain function
For Whom Chocolate is good for
Chocolate adds a great boost of energy to your pre and post-workout meals. It is a great source of sugar for people who are looking to adjust their diet plans while also adding flavor to their meals.
Why is Chocolate Bad for health
• Increased intake can cause obesity
• Any chocolate other than bittersweet is dangerous for health
• Risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
For Whom Chocolate is bad for
People who are already suffering from chronic medical conditions should avoid consuming this sugar substitute. It is bad for those who are at risk of developing heart diseases. Diabetic patients should also not ideally consume this.
18. Cane Syrup
Cane Syrup is made from cane juice. It contains barely any preservatives and additives which make it a really good source of adding sugars to your meals.
It is made of sucrose and contains almost the same calories as brown sugar. There are trace amounts of nutrients present in cane syrup.
Health Benefits
• Good for adding flavor to your meal
• Can be used for treating chapped lips
• Enhances sleep cycles when added to tea
For Whom Cane Syrup is good for
It is good for people looking to replace brown sugar while also creating a different taste. Cane syrup works best for people who need a lot of energy right away. Therefore, you can use cane syrup before a marathon, before an exam or any other task that requires a lot of energy.
Why is Cane Syrup bad for health
• Causes obesity
• Risk of diabetes
• May lead to cardiovascular diseases
For Whom is bad for
It is bad for people that are already at risk of developing visceral obesity. This can lead to complications such as metabolic syndrome. It should also be avoided by people who are at risk of developing heart diseases.
19. Sorghum Syrup
Sorghum is another syrup on our list that will fulfill the sugar content required for meal prep. Along with being a rich source of ‘good’ sugars, it also houses a great variety of nutrients and minerals.
These minerals help your body and mind to grow. It is a good alternative for brown sugar used by many people.
Health Benefits
• Boosts your mood
• Rich in proteins
• Calcium works to strengthen bones
• Magnesium and potassium help your body in growth
For Whom is good for
It is a good switch for people who want to get rid of the few extra pounds. Sorghum syrup works to enhance the performance of your bodily functions. Therefore people who wish to perform best should add this to their diet.
Why is Bad for health
• May cause obesity if consumed in excess
• Causes bad cholesterol levels to rise
• Causes your blood glucose levels to rise rapidly
For Whom is bad for
It is bad for people that have insulin resistance. Sorghum syrup should be avoided by people that have metabolic disorders with regard to glucose and sugars.
Many hormonal imbalances cause glucose breakdown to be hampered. Thus, you must be careful to consume this sugar in case you have a case of abnormal hormones.
20. Sucralose
Our last substitute option is an artificial sweetener which has zero calories. It is majorly noncaloric because most of the sucralose consumed by the body is not broken down.
Even though it has zero calories, it is much sweeter than sugar.
Health Benefits
• Negligible effect on insulin secretion
• No spikes in blood sugar levels
• Improves blood pressure
For Whom Sucralose is good for
It is great for people who have diabetes. People who have a history of heart attacks or other such cardiovascular diseases can also consume this sugar. It is beneficial as it helps to regulate blood pressure.
Why is Sucralose Bad for health
• The sugar content may cause diabetes if taken in more than required amounts
• Increased intake leads to weight gain
• Not recommended for daily use by stroke patients
For Whom Sucralose is bad for
Sucralose is bad for anyone if taken in large quantities. It is also not for people who use it in their baking goods. It is an artificial sweetener. Thus, it has a few drawbacks that could prove to be detrimental to your health.

Tauseeq Magsi is the owner of Foodi ideas and a digital marketer but he loves to learn about health, food, and nutrition and he is just crazy to share his findings with you guys about it.
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