A huge concern for kids, teens, and adults is whether they can eat fast food or not while wearing braces. The good news is that you do not need to give up as much as you think. You just need to make good choices.
Craving for your favorite food and wondering which fast foods you can eat with braces without causing pain to them?
A wide variety of fast foods are safe to eat with braces if followed the proper technique for eating them. Pizza (no crust), soft cakes and brownies, chicken nuggets, soft tacos, bacon, and certain chocolates are some of the braces-friendly fast foods that can be eaten without causing any disruption to them.
Keep in mind that most hard and crunchy foods are off the table during braces treatment due to their harsh nature.
While having orthodontic treatment, you might get worried about the restrictions regarding eating various foods. But do not worry. You can enjoy your desired meals while wearing braces by adopting few strategies and ways to eat such foods.
Best Fast Foods to Eat with Braces
The general rule of thumb with braces is to avoid sticky, hard, and crunchy food.
Even if you are allowed to eat fast food with braces, eating them can be challenging.
Always remember to cut whole and bigger portions into pieces. Avoid direct biting. Chew slowly and completely to avoid any gagging.
Some of the safe, fast food options that you can have with braces without causing any pain and sensitivity to them are:
1. Pizza
Yes, you read it right. You can still enjoy this delicious food with braces as long as you avoid crunchy crust.
You can eat the soft-crust pizza that contains easy-to-chew toppings.
Another perfect solution to eating pizza with braces can be to go for soft-crust deep dish pizzas.
However, you ought to avoid a tough or thin-crust pizza that can harm your braces. Their pieces can get caught in between teeth and braces, requiring you an emergency visit to your dentist’s clinic.

Also Read: Best Soft Foods to Eat with Braces at Home, School, or Office
2. Brownies
You can enjoy this treat easily with braces. However, any kind of nuts should not be present in it that can pose a risk to the health of the braces.
Confectionary items like cake, cookies, and soft brownies are okay to eat with braces. But one must look out for hard pieces of bread or crusts like bagels or croutons.

3. Chicken Nuggets
Who does not like chicken nuggets? Equally loved by kids and adults, this fast food is everybody’s favorite.
Chicken nuggets can be eaten with braces if cut into smaller pieces before eating. However, the hard crust of nuggets can damage the wires or brackets attached to the braces.
So, they must be cut into little pieces before consumption to avoid any damage to braces.
Also Read: What Can You Not Eat with Braces?
4. Tacos
Tacos are acceptable and can be enjoyed wearing braces as long as they are soft and do not contain any hard and crunchy fillings.
Avoid hard shell tacos at any cost. Do not bite directly into tacos. Instead, cut them up in bites before eating them.
Soft Tacos and burritos are better choices. Chew them with your back teeth to avoid any damage to your appliance.
Also Read: What to Eat After Root Canal?
5. Ice cream and popsicles
Ice cream is a guilty pleasure. With new braces, you feel discomfort and inflammation. To soothe pain, ice creams and popsicles can be helpful.
Directly chewing on ice can be dangerous to the brackets of braces. So, ice creams and popsicles can be safer choices which you can enjoy from time to time during your orthodontic treatment.

6. Chocolates
Chocolates are fine to eat with braces, given that you are eating the right kind of chocolate.
Soft and milk chocolates or peanut butter cups are perfectly fine to eat. But remember to eat them in moderation and during mealtimes only.
It is better to eat dark chocolates or those which have low sugar content.
Usually, chocolates contain a high amount of sugar content which can damage teeth and braces. In addition, sugar can cause cavities if any particles are left behind in teeth. That is why you must brush or floss your teeth every time after munching on them.
Also Read: What to Eat with Braces?
7. Cookies
Soft and freshly baked cookies are the right choice for dessert while on braces treatment.
Sugar cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and chocolate chip cookies are all safe options to go for while wearing braces.
Remember to avoid crunchy and nutty cookies.
8. Chips
Select the right chips, and you can enjoy chips even with braces. If the chips have a soft consistency, then they are safer to eat when you have braces.
Baked chips, pringles, Cheeto puffs, and sweet potato fries are all great options to consider while wearing braces.
You just need to remember one thing: Eat one chip at a time; otherwise, it can damage or break a bracket.

9. Cotton candy
A general rule of thumb with candies during braces is to avoid anything too hard or too sticky.
Cotton candy is soft and fluffy and can easily be chewed and swallowed.
Rinse your mouth immediately after having any candy to avoid cavities in the teeth.
Also Read: What to Eat After Tooth Extraction
10. Non-crispy French fries
Everyone’s favorite day is a fry-day. Right?
You can still enjoy french fries with braces if they are soft and not too hard. Avoid crispy and hot fries that can stick under braces wires, and you are good to go.
Just remember to chew them slowly. Take one at a time, and do not gobble a handful together at a time.
11. Pop-Tarts
You can enjoy this delicacy if eaten with care. They are kids’ favorite and can fulfill sugar cravings for a time.
The key to eating pop tarts is to break off a small piece and put it in your mouth. Digestion starts in the mouth when saliva makes it soggy and mushy. Then you can swallow it.
12. Bacon
Bacon can be a good meat alternative for breakfast. But it should be eaten occasionally and in small amounts due to its higher protein and fat ratio.
You can eat bacon while wearing braces. Just watch out for bacon bits. Floss your teeth if any remains are left behind.
Also Read: 15 Reasons Not To Get Braces
What to Take Away?
Eating right can be a great challenge with braces when the treatment first starts. However, you can adapt to this tricky process by sticking to the guidelines told forth by your dentist.
Obviously, everyone wants to maximize the treatment results but still wants to enjoy the food they like to consume.
Despite what sorts of food you eat, it is critical to keep the teeth and area around braces clean. That implies brushing and flossing after every meal to avoid any plaque and rot.
It can be made possible when you carefully manage your diet.
One must:
- Cut or break crusty bread into small pieces
- Remove meat from the bone
- Eat corn off the cob
- Avoid biting directly to large foods
- Avoid any hard, crunchy, and sticky things
You do not need to miss all the fun while on braces. Just snack wisely and in moderation.
If you find any damage to wires and brackets, consult your orthodontist immediately.
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A nutrition degree holder and a foodie by heart, Madiha Saad loves to inspire people through her writings and uses her knowledge and experience to write articles on trending nutrition topics. She loves to develop new recipes in her pastime. Read More…
This was really helpful as I am a fast food addict