When you are all set to leave for a colonoscopy but stumble with the thought that liquid stool is still brown – what to do now? You do not have to check in for an appointment until stool is satisfactorily clear as your colon abnormalities will remain undiagnosed.
If your colonoscopy prep liquid stool is still brown and is not clear, your bowl is not ready for the procedure. When you find that stool is brown, take magnesium citrate and wait for bowl movements. It will give you results still; if the stool is brown, contact your respective doctor to reschedule your appointment.
So, you do not have to be careless this time and follow the given colonoscopy prep plan for complete bowl prep. You have to start colonoscopy prep right a week before your appointment day and keep the focus on colonoscopy procedure day bowel prep. When you will eat soft food and take clear drinks that are discussed in detail, you will not face any problem.
Liquid Stool Still Brown – What to Do?
Colonoscopy prep makes your bowl ready, and for a successful procedure, your bowl movements must be clear or clear yellow. If your liquid stool is still brown and is not clear, it means your bowl is not ready for the procedure. You do not have to be panic at this moment as it happens with many when they skip any of the bowel preparation steps, or they think preparation is not worth it.
When you see that your stool is brown, you have two ways to work on it. First, if you do not have a history of kidney or stomach disease, take a small bottle of magnesium citrate and finish it at least 3 hours before your procedure time (1). If the stool is not clear even after the dose of magnesium citrate, call your doctor or clinic and discuss the whole matter. Your doctor will evaluate your case and advise whether you are ready for a colonoscopy at the moment or need more colonoscopy prep.
This time, make sure you do not miss any of the steps of bowel prep. You will indeed feel some discomfort, like cramping or gas, but it is not painful at all. You can relieve all these uncomfortable things with a walk or a bit of exercise (2).

How to Prepare for Colonoscopy – Authentic Colonoscopy Prep Plan
You have to work on a powerful bowl cleaning plan for a successful colonoscopy procedure. Because if you preferred to have a procedure without preparation, there would be a risk of complications and abnormalities (3). So, you have to follow the given guidelines regarding food intake and other necessities that are not a big deal.
Also Read: How Clear Should Stool Be For Colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy Prep Diet
The first and foremost thing in colonoscopy preparation is the food you take. You have to be very conscious of your diet and keep your body light. Eating a selected food does not mean that you have to take tasteless food, but you have to be wise to take nutritious food that does not cause large feces in your intestine. If you are taking any supplements, particularly fiber products, stop consuming them as they produce large fecal matter and go wrong with the prep (4).
[et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_2″]Liquids You Should Consume Before Colonoscopy
Liquids keep your body hydrated and clean the intestine. You have to take only clear liquids without cream or fat. Here is a list of liquids that you can alternatively take to fulfill your hydration and change your taste.
- Plenty of water
- Fruit juices with no pulp
- Vegetable broth
- Chicken or beef broth
- Clear Jell-O
- Popsicles
- Sports drinks
Low Fiber Diet
Eating food with low fiber is best to take in colonoscopy prep as it is easy to digest and leaves the system quickly. Low fiber food that you can consume is:
- Rice
- Pasta
- Boiled potatoes
- Cooked or steamed vegetables
- Fruits without skin
- Banana
- Bread made with refined white flour
- Steamed fish
- Lean meat
- Smooth peanut butter
- Eggs
Also Read: What to Eat Before Colonoscopy? A Complete Diet Plan
Things Not to take Before Colonoscopy Prep
Colonoscopy prep makes your colon ready to accept the procedure, and you have to avoid the things that hinder the process. Like, hard foods do not clear out easily and can clog the colonoscope, the tube used in the colonoscopy. So, be mindful and avoid these things.
- Fatty food
- Popcorn
- Whole grains
- Raw vegetables
- Fried food items
- Legumes
- Fruits with seeds
- High fiber cereals and vegetables
- Alcohol
- No any other solid food
Also Read: How to Avoid Vomiting During Colonoscopy Prep?
7-Days Before Colonoscopy Prep
You have to start colonoscopy prep a week before your day of the procedure. In this period, you need to be careful in taking food and medicines so that your bowl gets ready for a colonoscopy. If you are used to taking fried or junk food, stop taking it and shift your diet to soft and healthy food.
You can make a chart for a one-week colonoscopy diet plan just like the one given below to easily manage your breakfast, mid-day meal, lunch, and dinner food. These soft foods will clear the bowel that you need for a successful colonoscopy (5).
7 Days Diet Plan to Follow Before Colonoscopy
3-Days Before Colonoscopy Prep
You have to continue the routine of taking cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and no fats. When you take the fruits, be careful that you are taking them fully ripe that are not hard to digest and do not contain seeds.
Now, your procedure day is approaching, and you have to keep your body well hydrated. Drink plenty of water as it not only maintains your hydration level but also helps to clear your stool. So, drink water or take only clear liquids.
1-Day Before Colonoscopy Prep
You do not have to take any solid food a day before your colonoscopy. You have to take ONLY liquids, including water or other clear liquids, as colonoscopy prep is quite dehydrating, and you have to keep all the things right. So, in the morning, have a healthy breakfast of some juice and do not take any item with red, blue, purple or any other color.
You must have your colonoscopy prep liquid a day before your colonoscopy. If you have collected from the pharmacy, it is alright, if not, make sure to collect it as soon as possible. Now, add water to fill line of prep container and mix. If there is any flavoring packet with the prep, add it to the mix for a better taste. Keep it in the refrigerator as you have to take it in the afternoon.
Between 5 pm to 9 pm, start the first round of prep by drinking one glass every 15 minutes until the gallon is half-filled. If you feel nausea, take a break of about 15-30 minutes until you feel normal. After taking the first dose, bowel movements will start about 1 hour after the first glass and may continue even 4 hours after your last glass (6). So, keep wipes or ointment with you to relieve anal irritation.
Keep the remaining half of the solution in the refrigerator to drink tomorrow.
Also Read: What to do When You are Still Pooping Morning of Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy Procedure Day Bowl Prep
Do not take broth on the day of your procedure. Take only water or just clear liquids, nothing else.
You must have confirmed the time of the procedure to take your second round of prep. As you have to finish the second half prep solution in one hour, and you cannot take ANYTHING 4 hours before your colonoscopy. Like, if you have an appointment time of 9 am, start drinking the second dose at 4 am and finish by 5 am. Now, do not take anything after 5 am till your procedure, even not water.
It would be best if you had an adult with you to accompany you after colonoscopy as you will not be able to drive.
This will not end here. We care for you and that is why we have made a complete diet plan that you can follow after colonoscopy. Check it out What to Eat After Colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy Prep Liquid Stool Still Green – What to Do?
Green or yellow liquid stool after colonoscopy prep is normal, and you can go to the clinic for the procedure at the time of appointment. It will be problematic if your stool is brown as it shows your colonoscopy prep is not completed, and you have to consult your doctor for further instructions.
Flecks in Stool After Colonoscopy Prep – What to Do?
It is not to be worried if you have flecks in stool after colonoscopy prep. The stool must be clear without any green or brown coloration. If you see yellow color in the stool, it is normal as bile causes the stool to the color yellow.
How Should Be Clear Stool for Colonoscopy?
The stool before a colonoscopy should be a yellowish clear liquid. When the stool is clear enough that you can see the bottom of the toilet, your bowl is ready for the colonoscopy procedure. The yellow color in the stool is normal and is a result of bile that is not going to affect your colonoscopy examination.
Still Pooping Morning of Colonoscopy – What to Do?
Your bowel must be empty for colonoscopy. If you are still pooping the morning of colonoscopy, you need to consult your doctor or endoscopy team about rescheduling your appointment. You must have shown carelessness towards your food that resulted in incomplete bowel preparation.
What to Take Away?
I have done my job to give you a clear road map for your successful colonoscopy prep, now is your turn. Start working on this plan and have a safe colonoscopy. Don’t forget to share your valuable experience with us in the comment section and rate our article out of five to show your gratitude.
Also Read: How to Know if Bowels are Empty for Colonoscopy
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